The majority of parishioners at San Lorenzo Ruiz are young couples with children. Every Sunday, we come together as a family for worship and fellowship. The adults stay at the sanctuary while the youth will depart for their faith formation after the gospel reading. Meanwhile, the children will gather separately just before the worship starts for Bible stories and lessons and activities (artwork, singing songs, etc.) at the lower level of the building. The Sunday School is served by our volunteer “teachers” Elena Siaden, Mary Jane Malateo and Shalee Polilin.
The youth of the parish range from ages of 12-18, but our youth group also includes young adults, especially those who are still in school. The youth group is divided into Junior Youth (12-14 years old), Middle Youth (15-17 years old) and Senior Youth (18 and above).
The youth are actively engaged in the life of the church, including the Toronto diocesan youth events. They contribute through their musical talents and acumen by playing musical instruments and solo renditions in worships, taking the lead in preparing upcoming parish events, and we always rely on them for other church activities. They also participate every other Sunday to learn the wonderful works of God as written in the Scriptures.
Anglican Church Women (ACW)
The majority of the responsibilities of the parish are led by the faithful women of the church. They hold regular monthly meetings, not only to cement relationships as friends and sisters in Christ, but to learn together, through Bible Study, their responsibilities and commitment in serving the Lord, personally and corporately as commanded in the Scriptures.
Brotherhood of St. Andrew (BSA)
The BSA, as an organization, is the oldest missionary arm of the Episcopal Church in the United States. Its purpose is to witness to Jesus Christ as its members spread Christ’s Kingdom, especially among men and boys, through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Brotherhood aims to follow the Master, Jesus Christ, and just like the disciple Andrew, they will also bring other people to Jesus Christ.
The BSA of San Lorenzo Ruiz was granted a chapter in 2017 by the National Office of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew based in the United States. The BSA was officially dedicated and recognized by the Rt. Rev. Andrew Asbil, Bishop of Toronto, during the 28th parish anniversary Sunday celebration on September 19, 2019. It is a commitment for the brotherhood to continue to walk in the ideals of the brotherhood in their journey with Jesus Christ.
As a group, the BSA follows the disciplines of:
- PRAYER, which is a very important component of Christian life. The brotherhood prays not only for themselves but for other people as well.
- STUDY, the regular reading of the Scriptures to gain wisdom and better understanding of how to follow Jesus Christ and live out His commandments.
- SERVICE, the living-out of what Christ teaches us to do. It is the putting into action the love of Christ through loving our neighbors as a way to bring others nearer to Christ through His Church.
In its witness, the brotherhood participates in the life of the parish. Some of its member are on the Music Team, leading during their designated second Sunday of the month as altar servers, as well as generally participating in other ministries. The brotherhood meets once a month for fellowship and reading of the Word. They also serve parishioners anytime, when called upon to assist in personal or group requests.
Committees and Groups
Want to get involved with one of our ministries or groups? Speak to the people listed below!
Rev. Christopher Dangpilen
Mr. Jessie Ken Silvino – People’s Warden
Ms. Karen A. Apola – Priest Warden
Advisory Board Chair
Jessie Ken Silvino
Altar Guild
Elena Siaden
Anglican Church Women (ACW)
Christine Pilloc
Brotherhood of St. Andrew’s
Eric Apola
Envelope Secretary
Marjorie Maskay
Hospitality/Coffee Hour
Janet Dangpilen
Music Team
Winnie Sinco
Prayer Group
Jimmy Bucat
Sides-People Team
Minda Bucat
Youth Group
Joan Agyod and Daryl Lidab